
Showing posts from September, 2019

Download VisualCron 2020 Latest Version For Windows

VisualCron 2020 Latest Version - With VisualCron you can get hold of an alternative application to Windows Task Scheduler. This program is flexible and allows you to easily automate tasks VisualCron VisualCron 2020 Latest Version   Reviews If you need to run a program or script within a certain time period or under specific conditions, you can use Windows Task Scheduler. But if you want an alternative tool that improves the conditions of Microsoft's utility, you can now make use of VisualCron. Excellent automation tool. This software is divided into two parts: client and server, on a very easy-to-use graphical interface. Without needing to have any coding knowledge, you can create tasks to automate several actions. Main functions of VisualCron By scheduling tasks you can carry out the following process that will be run depending on the triggers established in the application: Run files and scripts. System control (hibernation, reboot, quit session...). Transfer files by

Download Ashampoo PowerUp 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Ashampoo PowerUp 2020 Latest Version - Ashampoo PowerUp is a complete tool that will allow you to configure your Windows however you want. Download Ashampoo PowerUp to optimize your system Ashampoo PowerUp Ashampoo PowerUp 2020 Latest Version   Reviews The large number of options that an operating system has, and the possibility to modify many of its aspects, make it essential to have an application in which to gather all these possibilities. Ashampoo PowerUp can be that application due to how complete and functional it is. Optimize the performance of your PC Ashampoo PowerUp includes so many options that it is easy to be overwhelmed by its interface, even though it is actually really clear. Each option has an indicator for each operating system, and are organized by categories: home, optimize, clean up, customize and manage. Each one of these categories hides utilities like the possibility to carry out backups, activate and deactivate many properties or, simply, modify par

Download Argente Disk Cleaner 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Argente Disk Cleaner 2020 Latest Version - Argente Disk Cleaner removes unnecessary files from your PC, as well as history files, private data... Free space by downloading Argente Disk Cleaner free Argente Disk Cleaner Argente Disk Cleaner 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Argente Disk Cleaner is a free software application that allows you to eliminate files from your computer that have no use at all and that are totally unnecessary. It's a tool that allows you to free space on your drive eliminating the trash that deposits itself on the computer without remission, that will contribute itself to maintain the organization and improve your security. Another alternative to CCleaner The software is capable of eliminating files with more than 40 different kinds of extensions. Furthermore, it allows you to eliminate history files, privacy data and files created by third party software applications, for example: Nero, eMule, WinZip, Netscape... Keep your PC clean. It has seven sec

Download Touch Pack 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Touch Pack 2020 Latest Version - Touch Pack is a pack of application for the Windows 7 operating system with a tactile screen. Download Touch Pack and make the most of your touch screen Touch Pack Touch Pack 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Since 2007, Microsoft Surface has allowed certain users the possibility to enjoy the experience of working with tactile devices. Based on the Surface programs, Microsoft offers Touch Pack. It is a pack of games and applications that allow us to make the most of the resources of Windows 7 focused on the use of tactile devices. Microsoft Touch Pack includes three games: - Garden Pond. Drive the origami figures through a typical Japanese aquatic garden. - Blackboard. Manage to take the ball to the lamp, by solving complex puzzles based on physics. - Rebound. Launch the metal ball towards the opponents goal, taking advantage of the electric field of Tesla balls. It also has three Surface applications: - Lagoon.Original screensaver that has an a

Download ZenEdit 2020 Latest Version For Windows

ZenEdit 2020 Latest Version - ZenEdit is a text editor full of minimalist designs to avoid distractions. Focus yourself exclusively on writing a text, thanks to ZenEdit, download it now ZenEdit ZenEdit 2020 Latest Version   Reviews The majority of text editors that people work with offer many functions and options. In general, only those people that are real experts are totally at home with all these options, other users that are so sure can always resort to applications like ZenEdit when it simply comes down to writing a text while trying to avoid distractions. This minimalist text editor occupies the full screen and will free you from any distraction while you write. There are no menus nor interface elements that may interfere with your concentration. The options included are accessible from the right mouse button or by means of keyboard shortcuts. Furthermore, the program offers other interesting features: - Different fonts and background colors to customize the interfac

Download FastPaste 2020 Latest Version For Windows

FastPaste 2020 Latest Version - FastPaste is a tool to speed up the process of copying and pasting texts. Download FastPaste for free and use keyboard shortcuts to copy and paste texts FastPaste FastPaste 2020 Latest Version   Reviews FastPaste is a simple yet complete application that will allow you to configure various keyboard shortcuts to be able to copy and paste any text. You'll be able to configure up to 30 different hotkeys to paste 30 different texts. Without FastPaste it's only possible to copy and paste one text at a time, because the Windows clipboard is only capable of saving one element. With FastPaste you'll save time and be able to paste several texts using comfortable keyboard shortcuts. A complete clipboard How FastPaste works is very simple. You'll have access to 30 different clips. Copy a text, choose one of the empty clips, open the clip's configuration window and paste the text there. You'll be able to choose if you want to past

Download Junkware Removal Tool 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Junkware Removal Tool 2020 Latest Version - Junkware Removal Tool is a Windows program that analyzes your system and removes all sorts of junk software that may affect the performance of your PC Junkware Removal Tool Junkware Removal Tool 2020 Latest Version   Reviews As you already know, there's a wide range of programs to remove the junk from a computer, such as CCleaner. Malwarebytes, the company that develops software to protect our computer against different malware threats, has its own version: Junkware Removal Tool. It's capable of removing up to 250 junk software varieties such as adverts or unwanted toolbars. Quick analysis and cleaning It stands out above all for the speed with which it's capable of analyzing our system in search for useless software. But also for the very few resources that it uses... in fact, you'll see how its interface has been reduced to the minimum expression as we only have to hit a key to launch the process, being able to s

Download Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2020 Latest Version - Ashampoo Magical Defrag allows you to defrag hard drives in a matter of seconds. Download Ashampoo Magical Defrag now and improve how your computer works Ashampoo Magical Defrag Ashampoo Magical Defrag 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Hard drives are one of the main bottlenecks of any PC. Their speed is no way near what it should be if we take into account the great advances that other computer components have suffered in the last few years. But still, the more we look after our hard drive, the better our PC will work. That is why it is so important to defrag our hard drives with tools like Ashampoo Magic Defrag, a program with a new and interesting way of working: it always works in the background. Defrag your hard drive without any trouble The file fragmentation on our hard drives is a problem that really affects the performance of any computer, that is why it is necessary to avoid it by means of specialized applications. Ashampo

Download Panopreter 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Panopreter 2020 Latest Version - Panopreter reads any text input into the application or that is loaded from a file. Download Panopreter and enjoy this simple Text-to-Speech application Panopreter Panopreter 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Panopreter is a very simple software application that has an equally simple purpose, but it covers this function perfectly: reading texts aloud. With Panopreter we'll be able to listen to and record any text we tell the application to read. Once open, the application will allow us to load a text file or write the text we want it to read. Powerful TTS software This program is another of the so-called TTS or Text-to-Speech applications, where one of the important parts is to manage a voice engine, usually called TTS Engine, and if we choose so, with as many voices as we want. On the Internet, we can find all kinds of voices: men, women, children, older people or even stranger ones like aliens or impersonations. Thus, Panopreter is perfect

Download Mighty Box 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Mighty Box 2020 Latest Version - Mighty Box is an application launcher for Windows with which you can make your common tasks quicker when working with a PC. Download Mighty Box for free Mighty Box Mighty Box 2020 Latest Version   Reviews If you have ever worked with a Mac computer it is possible that you may know Quicksilver, a useful application launcher. Windows users now have a similar application available thanks to Mighty Box. App launcher for PC Mighty Box allows you to use the keyboard to search and carry out tasks quickly. Once installed, all you need to do is to press Ctrl+spacebar and to start writing so that Mighty Box can show you what you are looking for very quickly. You will be able to launch applications, run scripts, modify files or folders... The program is in Alpha development stage so that it is possible that you may find faults in how it works. Nevertheless, it accomplishes its purpose, and if you consider that you can help in its development you can do

Download Aerize Explorer 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Aerize Explorer 2020 Latest Version - Aerize Explorer is a file manager for Windows 10 and Windows Phone. Managing files had never been so easy until the release of this explorer for PC Aerize Explorer Aerize Explorer 2020 Latest Version   Reviews File management can be somewhat tedious if you've got to search in each one of your folders, units, etc. For such purpose, nothing better than an application that can help us to keep everything organized at any moment. If we want to manage all our files, folders, memory cards, both on our PC and our Windows Phone, with Aerize Explorer we can carry out those tasks in a quick and easy manner. Cutting, copying, pasting... With a simple mouse click or screen tap, that's it. How to use Aerize Explorer Thanks to its interface, we can directly access the files or root directory of our memory card, speeding up searches and the recognition of music, video, photos, XAP, etc. Thus, sharing between devices is much a much more simple t

Download SEM-BT 2020 Latest Version For Windows

SEM-BT 2020 Latest Version - SEM-BT is a practical tool to send data massively by means of your Bluetooth device. Download SEM-BT and send information to mobiles for free very easily SEM-BT SEM-BT 2020 Latest Version   Reviews SEM-BT is an application that allows you to send all kinds of information, data or even multimedia adverts by Bluetooth, to a mobile telephone that is within range. In a very fast, comfortable and simple mode you will be able to send information to a vast amount of mobiles. The use of SEM-BT is especially for publicity purposes, because it is the ideal method to send publicity in various formats massively. But it can be used for many other purposes, like for example, sending information to an entire building to let the neighbours know about the next meeting. It's very easy to use and it has a very intuitive interface. In the first place, it is necessary to configure the card, with a name and phone number. After that, you'll have to select the

Download Easy Macro Recorder 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Easy Macro Recorder 2020 Latest Version - Easy Macro Recorder is the easiest way to create macros, with Easy Macro Recorder you will only have to perform the action and the program will create it Easy Macro Recorder Easy Macro Recorder 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Creating macros, a series of instructions that can be launched with a single order is something that the majority of users have always found difficult, but that will no longer be the case, thanks to Easy Macro Recorder. The basic premise of this program is to make it a lot easier for the user to create macros because he/she will only have to activate the recording option and the program will automatically store all the actions carried out with the mouse and the keyboard until it receives the order to stop. Generate your own macros Easy Macro Recorder will open in the system tray and all the actions that it can do can be launched from the context menu and by means of a keyboard shortcut, with the shortcuts being t

Download Driver Updater 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Driver Updater 2020 Latest Version - Driver Updater is a very useful tool to keep your computer stable and in perfect conditions. Use it to automate the update and installation of drivers Driver Updater Driver Updater 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Updating your operating system's drivers shouldn't be a complicated task... especially if you download any of the programs capable of doing so automatically, as is the case of Driver Updater by TweakBits. This company has already released several programs to optimize and improve the performance of our PC, and this driver update software is one of them. You already know what a driver is, don't you? It's the software capable of connecting and making the physical and logical units understand each other. For instance, they allow you to send commands to your printer, make it possible that your video card shows graphics on your screen, and help you to write with your keyboard. Each hardware element can have its own drive

Download Windows 7 SP1 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Windows 7 SP1 2020 Latest Version - Windows 7 SP1 is the first pack of updates for this operating system. Download Windows 7 SP1 and improve the security and performance of Windows 7 Windows 7 SP1 Windows 7 SP1 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Windows 7 has been a great success for Microsoft, because it has spread widely among the users in a very short amount of time, specially if we consider the support they lost with Vista. This new operating system offers a much better performance than earlier developments, as well as an interface that is a lot more appealing and intuitive, being ideal both for domestic as well as professional use. Just like the rest of important developments by Microsoft, every certain amount of time the update packs known as Service Packs are launched, gathering all the security patches and performance improvements in a single installer, and updating the operating system in a matter of minutes. On this occasion it has come the time of Windows 7 SP1 to see

Download Quick Startup 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Quick Startup 2020 Latest Version - Quick Startup is a tool that allows to manage the programs that are launched together with the system. Download Quick Startup and improve your PCs startup Quick Startup Quick Startup 2020 Latest Version   Reviews As we use a computer, is takes longer to start up due mainly to the programs that we have installed on our operating system and that are launched at the beginning of each session. Quick Startup is an application with which we can control those processes that are launched together with the system, to be able give priority, eliminate or check if they are necessary for how we use the computer. The tool has a rather simple interface, suitable for any user, and it will show us by means of a color code what applications are more important, so that we can get a general idea when it comes to ordering and eliminating those that start with the computer startup. Another system that we can use thanks to Quick Startup is a Delay system, by me

Download ISO to USB 2020 Latest Version For Windows

ISO to USB 2020 Latest Version - ISO to USB is a simple program to burn files in ISO format onto USB units and choose between different file systems to give them the appropriate format ISO to USB ISO to USB 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Do you need to burn an ISO image onto a USB stick? Then you could do with a simple application of the likes of ISO to USB with which you can burn images in this format onto USB units. Record your ISO files onto USB units This application comes along with a really simple interface that allows us to choose between different options to burn those images. It's compatible with the following file systems: FAT. FAT32. exFAT. NTFS. We simply have to choose the file, the type of file system and then the name of the USB unit, which will be automatically formatted just before the burning process. It's a very useful piece of software for this kind of task as it stands out for how simple and fast it is to use. Thanks to the latter, we can create

Download Geekbench 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Geekbench 2020 Latest Version - Geekbench is a state-of-the-art benchmark. Find out how your multicore processor performs by carrying out the tests incorporated to Geekbench for PC Geekbench Geekbench 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Geekbench is part of the new generation of benchmarks for processors. It's about carrying out tests framed within real scenarios, capable of measuring both the possibilities of a single core and multicore performances. The next generation of processor benchmarks. The majority of PCs are currently equipped with multicore processors. For this reason, to get to know the response of your processor in real situations you need to have an application like Geekbench. Features of Geekbench Appraisal of single and multicore processing capacity. View the information of your system. Floating point and integer calculation power. Memory speed in different operations. The full version of Geekbench also allows you to carry out stress tests and trials aimed at

Download Winup 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Winup 2020 Latest Version - Winup is a pack with which all the official patches for Windows XP. If you have formatted your PC, download Winup and get the patches automatically Winup Winup 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Winup is a program that will update your Windows XP with all the patches. Nothing more and nothing less than all the patches that have appeared for Windows XP Service Pack 3 since it was launched, and furthermore, it will make sure that they install in order without you having to worry. Automating such a high number of patches saves a lot of time when it is necessary to download and install all the updates after formatting the hard drive or installing the system from scratch. Thus, Winup guarantees a clean and unattended installation of a large amount of patches that are necessary for Windows to work properly. One of the virtues of Winup is that it applies only the patches necessary, detecting those that are already installed on the system to avoid overwriting

Download Perfect Keyboard 2020 Latest Version For Windows

Perfect Keyboard 2020 Latest Version - Perfect Keyboard is a tool designed to help you to write and work on your PC. Because with Perfect Keyboard on your PC you can create keyboard shortcuts Perfect Keyboard Perfect Keyboard 2020 Latest Version   Reviews With Perfect Keyboard, you'll be capable of creating keyboard shortcuts for different functions while you work with your PC. Thus you'll have quick access to different tasks like auto-completion, writing standard text blocks or minimizing and maximizing windows among many other options. These shortcuts can be launched within any application and are a very effective way of working. It is possible to record both keyboard shortcuts as well as mouse gestures. Thus you will manage to reduce the amount of errors that you have while writing as well as automating repetitive tasks. Increase your productivity with customized keyboard shortcuts The interface of Perfect Keyboard is simple and comprehensible despite the fact th

Download 7Tweak 2020 Latest Version For Windows

7Tweak 2020 Latest Version - 7Tweak has many options to be able to optimize Windows 7. Download 7Tweak to improve how your copy of Windows 7 works and customize your computer's system 7Tweak 7Tweak 2020 Latest Version   Reviews Windows 7 is great, but like all other operating systems developed by Microsoft it needs to be cleaned up now and again, and it includes a series of hidden features that can be tweaked by the user to give it a more personal touch. Quick solution to take control of your Windows 7 7Tweak is one of the first packs of modification, optimization and personalization tools that have appeared for this system. One of the first solutions adapted to the features of Vista's successor and with support for 64 bits. The best feature of this pack is that it contains everything necessary to control even the slightest detail of Windows 7, being as efficient and complete as the products by the same company for previous versions of Windows. In what may be consid

Download iExplorer 2020 Latest Version For Windows

iExplorer 2020 Latest Version - iExplorer is an application that will allow you to use your iPhone in disk mode, just as if you were working with a Flash drive. Download iExplorer for free iExplorer iExplorer 2020 Latest Version   Reviews You may have always thought that it was necessary to 'jailbreak' your iPhone or iPad to be able to access it in disk mode. Well, iExplorer is here to prove that this is not so. Your iPhone just like a memory stick By means of a simple application that used to be known as iPhone Explorer, you'll be able to access the contents of your phone, tablet or multimedia player by Apple as if it were a Flash memory unit. Once the device is open in the application, you'll have the chance to add or remove files and folders as if you were working with the Windows Explorer, as well as having the possibility to be able to preview all the images or view them in full size with any software of your choice, even if it isn't by Apple. Easie

Download BluetoothView 2020 Latest Version For Windows

BluetoothView 2020 Latest Version - Locate Bluetooth devices that are near your PC with BluetoothView. Detect Bluetooth signals that are very near once you download BluetoothView free BluetoothView BluetoothView 2020 Latest Version   Reviews BluetoothView is a software application that will help you to find Bluetooth devices with your PC. The Bluetooth technology is nothing more than a way to transfer and synchronize data without cables. Many mobile devices, especially telephones, use it to synchronize with one another, and thanks to programs like BluetoothView can also be used to detect if they are near. Find nearby Bluetooth devices Normally, the systems that integrate Bluetooth have their own programs, but many times, to detect any device it is a lot more effective to use BluetoothView. Without being a Bluetooth suite, it does allow to carry out dozens of actions, Bluetooth View does guarantee quick detection and provides a lot of information about the nearby devices tha

Download AVS DVD Player 2020 Latest Version For Windows

AVS DVD Player 2020 Latest Version - With AVS DVD Player you can play all your movies on DVD and similar formats. It comes along with really simple functions that make it a great option AVS DVD Player AVS DVD Player 2020 Latest Version   Reviews If you're still from the old days and you don't even want to hear about Netflix, HBO and company, and you still love watching movies on physical formats such as DVD, you need to get hold a decent player to enjoy these contents. A player for your collection of movies on DVD That's precisely what AVS DVD Player offers us, a program to watch DVDs with the highest quality and all the functions necessary to control up to the slightest detail of the playback. But it's not all about this format, as it's also compatible with a wide range of files: VCD. SVCD. AVI. MPEG4. DIVX. MPEG1. MPEG2. RV. AVI. WMV. 3GP. It comes along with different interesting options to be able to enjoy a rich viewing experience, such as choosing

Download EasyBCD 2020 Latest Version For Windows

EasyBCD 2020 Latest Version - EasyBCD provides options to customize the startup of Windows. Download EasyBCD for free on your computer and enjoy this simple startup manager for Windows EasyBCD EasyBCD 2020 Latest Version   Reviews EasyBCD is a utility that makes it possible to configure some of the most interesting parameters of the system startup. Using a compact user-friendly interface, it offers us the possibility to modify options that are related to the Windows startup, something that would be otherwise rather difficult to do. If you have various operating systems installed on your computer, we are sure that this application will come in very handy, because it makes it much easier to configure the PC booting and to control all the processes that load together with your operating system. Among the features of EasyBCD you will be able to find: - Configuration of the system's boot menu, choosing the order in which we want the different operating systems that we have i